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What in the World is FAM?

Updated: Jul 18, 2021

You might have read about or heard of the fertility awareness method (FAM) this past year from different social media platforms, as this women’s health movement is growing and spreading worldwide. No matter where you are at in your journey, welcome my friend!

So, what in the world is FAM?

Each woman who practices any of the fertility awareness based methods (FABMs) will be able to identify the hormonal fluctuations throughout her cycle by observing and recording daily physical signs or biomarkers. A woman can then record her observations on a paper chart, or a specific app to monitor her general health and understand her body. This data provides crucial information that could help a trained healthcare provider in diagnosing and treating different gynecologic cases.

What you need to know about fertility awareness based methods (FABMs):

Fertility Awareness is an umbrella term that include scientific modern methods with different individual efficacy rates for the purpose of monitoring one's health and achieving reproductive goals. According to the most accurate studies, the efficiency rate of FABMs ranges between 86-99% to prevent pregnancy. These methods are completely different than the conventional and hormonal methods of birth control as they are natural, with no medical side effects, and allow women to work with their bodies instead of suppressing their natural physiology. Study shows that some FABMs has been used successfully with couples wishing to achieve pregnancy.

The three main methods of FABMs:

1. Cervical-fluid only methods: Cervical fluid only.

2. SymptoThermal Methods: Cervical fluid and basal body temperature observations.

3. SymptoHormonal Methods: Cervical fluid and urinary hormone metabolite observations

Why you should consider learning FAM:

* Educational tool, empowering women to understand their bodies and cyclic nature.

* An effective method of birth control (Especially when learned with an educator)

* No medical side effects.

* Using the method throughout the different stages of the women's reproductive age.

* Cost effective.

* Encouraging the shared responsibility and communication between partners.

* Assisting a trained healthcare provider in diagnosing and treating irregular cycles, PCOS, PMS, and infertility.

Is it REALLY effective, though?

Each method of FABMs relys on one or more fertility signs. These signs include cervical fluids (CF), Basal body temperature (BBT), Urinary Hormones, and cervical position. Based on the daily observations of these fertility signs, a woman can easily identify her fertile and infertile days. The couple is free to use this information and modify their sexual behavior to accomplish THEIR reproductive goals.

A summery of most common FABMs and their efficiency rates:

It is safe to say to that there is no method of birth control (hormonal or not) that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy, except for absence.

therefore my friend, I encourage you to research your birth control options, their side effects, correct use, and efficacy rate before you make a decision.

Have you started practicing FAM already? What are you waiting for? Let’s do this together!



The effectiveness of a fertility awareness based method to avoid pregnancy in relation to a couple's sexual behavior during the fertile time: a prospective longitudinal study.


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